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The Equator Principles framework

As part of our commitment, we adopted the Equator Principles in March 2009. The Equator Principles are applied to our environmental and social risk assessment of projects and project-related transactions. We are one of a small number of export credit agencies that have adopted the Equator Principles.

For more information about the Equator Principles, visit the Equator Principles Association website.

Reporting of the Equator Principles

Principle 10 of the Equator Principles requires reporting on the implementation of the Principles, taking into account appropriate confidentiality considerations. Our reporting is provided according to the Australian financial year.

Our Procedure provides information on:

  • the environmental and social review process for our transactions, including project finance, project-related corporate loans, and bridge loans. We do not provide project finance advisory services (other financial products covered by the Equator Principles)
  • our approval process
  • our approach to including conditions covering environmental and social issues in our transaction documents
  • how the Equator Principles are incorporated into our decision making.

Environmental and social risk evaluations, including Equator Principles reviews:

  • are undertaken by specialist staff in our Credit Department
  • are a distinct risk element within our decision making
  • require approval of our Board when the transaction is associated with a Category A project (a project with potentially significant adverse environmental and/or social impacts) located outside Australia.

Transactions can be declined at any stage in negotiation or due diligence.

Each year, internal training is provided to relevant staff on the implementation of Export Finance Australia’s Policy and Procedure for environmental and social review of transactions which include the Equator Principles and the IFC Performance Standards.

The tables below summarise the number of transactions (involving projects) signed from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023 and 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023.

The location, industry type, sector and results of screening and classification for individual projects supported by Export Finance Australia (including project finance and project-related corporate loans) are provided in our Annual Report and in our transaction register.

Breakdown 1 January 2023 and 30 June 2023

Project Finance

The total number of Project Finance transactions that reached Financial Close from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023 period was 2. The breakdown is:


Breakdown by Category


Category A

Category B

Category C

  1 1 -

Detailed breakdown by Category

By sector

Category A

Category B

Category C

Mining - 1 -
Infrastructure - - -
Oil and gas - - -
Power - - -
Other 1 - -

By region

Category A

Category B

Category C

Americas - - -
Europe, Middle East and Africa - - -
Asia and Oceania 1 1 -

By Country Designation*

Category A

Category B

Category C

Designated 1 1 -
Non-Designated - - -

Independent Review

Category A

Category B

Category C

Yes 1 1 -
No - - -


* A list of designated countries is published by the Equator Principles Association here. Non-designated countries are those countries not found on the list.

Project sponsor and name

Calendar year


Host country

Perdaman Urea Project 2023 Other Australia
Pilgangoora P680 Project 2023 Mining Australia

Project-Related Corporate Loans

The total number of Project-Related Corporate Loans transactions that reached Financial Close from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023 period was 0. The breakdown is:


Breakdown by Category


Category A

Category B

Category C

  - - -

Detailed breakdown by Category

By sector

Category A

Category B

Category C

Mining - - -
Infrastructure - - -
Oil and gas - - -
Power - - -
Other - - -

By region

Category A

Category B

Category C

Americas - - -
Europe, Middle East and Africa - - -
Asia and Oceania - - -

By Country Designation*

Category A

Category B

Category C

Designated - - -
Non-Designated - - -

Independent Review

Category A

Category B

Category C

Yes - - -
No - - -

Project-related refinance and project-related acquisition finance

The total number of Project-Related Refinance and Project-Related Acquisition Finance transactions that reached Financial Close from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023 period was 0.

Bridge Loans

The total number of Bridge Loan transactions that reached Financial Close from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023 period was 0.

Project finance advisory services

We do not provide bridge loans or project finance advisory services covered by the Equator Principles. The total number of Project Finance Advisory Services mandated from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023 period was 0.

Breakdown 1 July 2023 and 31 December 2023

Project Finance

The total number of Project Finance transactions that reached Financial Close from 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023 period was 2. The breakdown is:


Breakdown by Category


Category A

Category B

Category C

  2 - -

Detailed breakdown by Category

By sector

Category A

Category B

Category C

Mining 1 - -
Infrastructure - - -
Oil and gas - - -
Power 1 - -
Other - - -

By region

Category A

Category B

Category C

Americas - - -
Europe, Middle East and Africa - - -
Asia and Oceania 2 - -

By Country Designation*

Category A

Category B

Category C

Designated 1 - -
Non-Designated 1 - -

Independent Review

Category A

Category B

Category C

Yes 2 - -
No - - -


* A list of designated countries is published by the Equator Principles Association here. Non-designated countries are those countries not found on the list.

Project sponsor and name

Calendar year


Host country

Hai Long Offshore Wind Project 2023 Power Taiwan
Mardie Salt and Potash Project 2023 Mining Australia

Project-Related Corporate Loans

The total number of Project-Related Corporate Loans transactions that reached Financial Close from 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023 period was 0. The breakdown is:


Breakdown by Category


Category A

Category B

Category C

  - - -

Detailed breakdown by Category

By sector

Category A

Category B

Category C

Mining - - -
Infrastructure - - -
Oil and gas - - -
Power - - -
Other - - -

By region

Category A

Category B

Category C

Americas - - -
Europe, Middle East and Africa - - -
Asia and Oceania - - -

By Country Designation*

Category A

Category B

Category C

Designated - - -
Non-Designated - - -

Independent Review

Category A

Category B

Category C

Yes - - -
No - - -

Project-related refinance and project-related acquisition finance

The total number of Project-Related Refinance and Project-Related Acquisition Finance transactions that reached Financial Close from 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023 period was 0.

Bridge Loans

The total number of Bridge Loan transactions that reached Financial Close from 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023 period was 0.

Project finance advisory services

We do not provide project finance advisory services covered by the Equator Principles. The total number of Project Finance Advisory Services mandated from 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023 period was 0.